101 Items That Will Disappear After The Collapse

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101 Items That Will Disappear After The Collapse

In the aftermath of a collapse, the disappearance of items from store shelves becomes a stark reality. As our world grapples with a halt to supply chains, intense looting and sheer panic, things get desperate.

What you have in your house is all you’re going to have to carry you through for a good, long while. TVs, XBOX’s and stuff that cost a fortune today isn’t going to be nearly as valuable as the list below. The list is the stuff you will actually need to survive and thrive after a collapse.

1. Aluminum Foil

Is necessary for cooking and can also be used to create a solar oven or block windows to keep heat in or the sun out.

2. Auto Supplies

 Oil, brake fluid and so on just in case you have access to fuel to run your car.

3. Axes/Hatchets

You’ll need to chop your own firewood. A chainsaw is a luxury you can’t afford to waste gas on.

4. Baby Supplies

Diapers, wipes, ointment and so on will keep a baby happy and healthy.

5. Baking Ingredients

Baking from scratch will be the only way you will get bread, biscuits and other foods.

6. Baking Soda

It is technically a baking ingredient, but it deserves its own line because it’s also an amazing cleaning agent and great for personal hygiene as well.

7. Batteries

Are going to be needed for flashlights, radios and so on. Rechargeable batteries are great if you have a way to recharge them.

8. Blankets

Heat will be a luxury. You’ll want to bundle up to stay warm or use to cover windows to hold in heat.

9. Books

Keeping entertained is going to be important. Reading keeps the mind sharp.

10. Bug Spray

Mosquitoes can carry viruses as well as lead to itchy bites that can lead to breaks in the skin.

11. Bungee Cords

These are quick fixes when you don’t want to mess with rope or need to tie things together or keep a gate closed.

12. Candles

Without power, you’re still going to want to see at night.

13. Canned Food

Non-perishable foods are crucial to survival when refrigeration isn’t an option.

14. Cast Iron Cookware

This will allow you to cook over an open fire.

15. Chapstick

Dehydration and sun exposure will lead to chapped lips which can be miserable.

16. Clean Water

It’s difficult to store enough water to last indefinitely, which means you need to have a water source in mind with the ability to purify anything you collect.

17. Cleaning Supplies

A good sanitary space will keep away deadly viruses and parasites. Something with a disinfectant is best.

18. Coffee Filters

These aren’t just for making coffee. They can be used as filtration for your face or water.

19. Condoms

Humans are not going to stop doing what they do. Be prepared to avoid pregnancy.

20. Cookbooks

If you’re not a cook today, you’re not going to turn into one overnight. A cookbook ensures you can bake bread, biscuits and other meals without wasting precious food stores.

21. Cordage

Cordage is an extremely valuable tool that can be used to make a shelter, hang clothes to dry or tie up animals.

22. Crayons/Coloring Books

Keeping the kids busy and entertained without the luxury of electronics is going to be a big job—be ready.

23. Deodorant

Feeling and being stinky is unpleasant for everyone and can be a mood killer.

24. Disposable Plates/Cutlery

Water may not be readily available, but you don’t want to eat off dirty plates that could be harboring bacteria. Plates and cutlery can all be burned and provide more fuel to your fire.

25. Disposable Razors

This goes to good hygiene and feeling good in your own skin.

26. Dry Foods

Beans, rice, pasta and so on will be what keeps you alive.

27. Duct Tape

Everyone knows how valuable duct tape is. It fixes everything and can be used for first aid in a pinch.

28. Electrical Tape

If you do have wiring, you’ll need the right tape to avoid a shock when splicing wires.

29. Entertainment

Decks of cards, board games, puzzles and etcetera will fight off boredom. Bored minds give you a lot of time to worry.

30. Facemasks

Facemasks will be helpful if there is sickness in the house. They can also be useful if there is smoke in the air, which is a possibility if there are no emergency services.

31. Feminine Hygiene Products

Will be in high demand for obvious reasons. Women will want to be comfortable.

32. Firewood

Will provide heat, light, a cooking source and a source of comfort.

33. First Aid Supplies

You cannot have too much. Load up. It’s cheap and easy to come by right now.

34. Fishing Gear

You’ll need to be able to procure food. Having hooks, lines and poles is a more efficient way to use your time.

35. Flashlights

Get LEDs that use less battery power, or solar charging flashlights.

36. Gardening Tools

You will have to grow your own food—it will be a must, not a hobby. You’ll want the tools to do it right.

37. Glowsticks

These can serve as trail markers, nightlights or a path lights to the outhouse.

38. Hand Sanitizer

Good hygiene is critical, but water might be at a premium.Sanitizer can help in between hand washing.

39. Handsaws

You may not have access to electricity to run your table saw to cut wood for whatever project you need to build. Can also be used to saw down trees for building or heat.

40. Hard Candy

Sometimes, you just need a little sugar. The candy is a comfort as well as something to soothe a dry throat.

41. Heirloom Seeds

You’ll have to grow your own food. Heirloom seeds allow you to harvest the fruits and veggies and use the seeds to grow new plants.

42. Hunting Knives

You’ll be hunting and will need a good, sharp knife to harvest an animal you take.

43. Iodine

It’s an effective water purification tool as well as a number of medicinal uses.

44. Jars and Lids

For storing the foods you will harvest from your garden or storing water and other items that need to be kept from the air.

45. Kleenex

You’re bound to get a cold. Good hygiene means preventing further illness.

46. Lantern Oil and Mantles

If you have the old-fashioned lanterns, make sure you have plenty of oil on hand to use them.

47. Lanterns

Lanterns for lights. Solar power lanterns are ideal and will put off a lot of light, eliminating the need for candles and flashlights.

48. Liquor

It may not be a necessity, but it will be wanted, and it will be very valuable.

49. Lysol

Not only does it freshen the air, but the spray can disinfect surfaces like doorknobs and such to cut down on the risk of spreading more germs.

50. Manual Can Opener

All those canned goods you’ve stockpiled need to be opened.

51. Manual Grain Grinder

If you are lucky enough to grow wheat, you’ll need to grind it to make the flour you’ll need to bake with.

52. Matches/Lighters

Fire is life. Fire provides warmth, cooks food and will be needed to purify water.

53. Medications

People with chronic illnesses will need medications to manage their conditions. Because it’s impossible to get an indefinite number of prescriptions meds, it’s a good idea to look into natural remedies to treat chronic illnesses.

5. Nail clippers

Long nails can be a hazard when you are doing manual labor. Keeping your nails neatly trimmed can avoid accidental cuts and scratches as well.

55. Nails, Screws and etc.

Will be needed to make repairs to homes or build fences for animals.

56. Neoprene Gloves

Gloves should be worn to handle toilet cleaning or dealing with a sick person. Neoprene are better than latex just in case of an allergy.

57. Over-the Counter Meds

Things like ibuprofen, allergy meds, aspirin and so on.

58. Paper Towels

These are quick cleanup options and can be used to start a fire.

59. Pens/Pencils/Paper

Without email and text, you’ll have to resort to good old-fashioned letter writing.

60. Pest Control

Stocking up on things like bug bombs, pest repellants and bee spray can keep your family safe. Pests are an issue and without proper sanitation, they are going to run the world.

61. Plastic Sheeting

This can be used for a makeshift shelter, setting up a quarantine space in the house or blocking the cold from coming through windows and doors.

62. Pool Shock

This is a better alternative to bleach for purifying water. It stores longer and you need very little to make water safe to drink.

63. Portable Generators

For those who can afford them, generators can provide electricity for refrigerators and charging tablets and other gear.

64. Propane Tanks

Used for cooking and heating are going to be essential.

65. Q-Tips

Used for first aid, keeping the ears clean and for a variety of cleaning uses.

66. Rags/Sponges

The toilet paper might run out one day, having old t-shirts can come in handy. They’ll also be great for cleanup duties.

67. Rain Gear

Staying dry when you are doing outdoor chores will go a long way to keeping you healthy.

68. Rubber Kitchen Gloves

These are great for cleaning and more durable than neoprene gloves.

69. Scissors

You’ll need to cut cordage, hair or packaging.

70. Sewing Supplies

You will need to mend your own clothes or tarps and tents to keep the rain off your head.

71. Shampoo

Hair care isn’t just about feeling good. Good hygiene cuts down on the risks of bug infestations and scalp issues that can lead to excessive itching and broken skin.

72. Shoelaces

Your boots and shoes might outlast your laces. Laces can be used as cordage or used to tie herbs together to hang to dry.

73. Soap

Basic hygiene is crucial, and soap helps prevent the spread of germs.

74. Socks

Your feet will be your wheels and possibly your only mode of protection. Good socks will be critical to keeping your feet in good condition.

75. Solar Charge

These are small and portable devices that are relatively inexpensive and can recharge small electronics and the battery chargers.

76. Spices

Adding flavor to bland meals will help ward off food fatigue.

77. Steel Wool

Is one of those universal items that can be used sharpen blades to starting a fire.

78. Sugar

It’s a luxury, but it can make your world a better place.

79. Sunglasses

You will be doing a lot of outdoor work. Shielding your eyes can ward off headaches and protect your eyes.

80. Super Glue

Super glue can be used to close a cut in a pinch or hold plastic up.

81. Survival Guides

Books or printed guides with survival tips and knowledge will be crucial to survival if you don’t have decades of hands-on experience under your belt.

82. Tarps

Great for making quick repairs to a broken window or creating a shelter.

83. Tent

Camping gear in general is going to be critical if you have to get on the move or if you are houseless.

84. Toilet Paper

It just makes life a little easier and more sanitary.

85. Tools

Basic hand tools like wrenches, hammers, and pliers will be valuable for building and repairs.

86. Toothbrushes/Toothpaste

Dental hygiene isn’t just about fresh breath. It prevents dangerous cavities and bacterial infections that can take you out.

87. Trash Bags

You’ll need these to haul waste away from your living space. You don’t want to invite pests by having garbage piled up.

88. Universal Tool/Leatherman

This is a quick tool that you can keep in your pocket.

89. Vaseline

You can use Vaseline for Chapstick or for many other uses from first aid to a lubricant.

90. Vitamins

These are going to be essential to keeping everyone in good health when a balanced diet isn’t an option.

91. Warm Clothing

Don’t send all those old coats to Goodwill; save them for a time when you can’t buy new. They can be traded for other equipment.

92. Water Filter

You can the buy one, like the big Berkey or learn how to make your own.

93. Water Purification Methods

Tablets are great, but things like iodine, bleach and the ability to boil.

94. WD-40

Squeaky hinges or bolts that are too tight can be handled with a little blast.

95. Weaponry

Weapons for self-defense and security are going to keep you and yours alive while protecting your supplies.

96. Wet Wipes

Most brands have a disinfectant in them. They are handy to have around to clean up when you don’t have water.

97. Wind-Up Radios

These can provide access to news and information when cellphones are down.

98. Wire

You’ll need to have fencing for your animals that you’ll need to raise for food. Wire is something that can be used to make snares, hang a harvested animal or keeping a door closed.

99. Work Gloves

You can expect to do a lot of manual labor and you’ll need to protect your hands.

100. Zip Ties

A universal tool that can be used for anything from securing food in trees to keeping a gate closed.

101. Ziploc Bags

Can be used to carry food, water and keep things like matches and other equipment dry.

As you can see, the bulk of the list are items that are relatively cheap and plentiful right now. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

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