Supplies List

On this page you will find numerous lists of supplies to help you survive the collapse of civilization. And it’s not just about stockpiling things—it’s about assembling the tools, supplies, and equipment to survive long-term in a world where nothing is dependable and resources are limited or simply don’t exist.

Here’s what we will cover on this page:


When societies around the world collapse, there are always reports of power outages that last from days to weeks to months and even years. Life without electricity can be very difficult, especially if you’ve had electricity your entire life.

Here are some options to consider:


There are two priorities for communication after a catastrophic disaster: Communication with immediate family and friends to know how they’re doing, and communication with the rest of the world to understand what’s going on.

Here are some communication options to consider:


Heat will always be an issue in any area with cold winters.

Here are some things to consider (although any woodstove would require installation and a ready supply of firewood):


Most people have a sufficient supply of pots, pans, and other utensils for cooking and eating. However, most of that cooking equipment assumes a source of heat, and while it’s possible that a gas stove may still work when the power is out, there’s no guarantee that will continue. How will you cook food?

Here are some options:

Sustainability continues to be a lingering question, so don’t assume a propane stove and a couple of extra cylinders will get you through. Have a backup plan. Even if you end up with burning scrap wood in a hobo stove, at least you’ll have a viable option for cooking if the power stays out and you’re out of gas.


Most of us already have what we need in terms of clothing, but think about what’s missing. This may be your last shopping trip. Also think about clothes that take a beating. And then there’s that sustainability issue. Make sure you have the necessary tools and supplies to repair clothing.

Here are some possibilities for frequently needed clothing, and don’t forget the needs of your entire family or group:

Clothing Repairs


Many family members relocate to another family member’s home while recovering from a long-term disaster. Are you equipped to accommodate unexpected guests for the long term with regards to bedding and sleeping arrangements?

Here are some things to get:


Living in the dark during a power outage adds to the stress and complications of life during collapse. There are many options, and you might want to consider purchasing them as backups or alternatives depending on need. 

Here are some items that can help you light your home during a blackout:


We can go quite some time without food, but none us will last 3 days without water. The challenge when conventional water supplies are unreliable is finding water that’s safe to drink. When the power is out, the well pumps don’t work, and even gravity fed water from a water tower will eventually run out.

The critical equipment and supplies related to water have to do with collection, filtration, purification, and storage. And don’t forget, everyone else will be looking for water, too.

Here are the supplies you need:

Self Defense

A standard recommendation is a rifle and a handgun, although there’s more to self defense than firearms. Beyond that, it’s really a question of your experience with rifles and handguns and the potential risk at your location, although after a total societal collapse, no location is completely safe.

Ammunition is an obvious consideration and how much you store and it will undoubtedly become a very rare and valuable commodity following a catastrophic collapse. 

Medical Supplies

After a disastrous collapse, injuries can get serious, so you should have a serious first aid kit on hand to treat a range of injuries. 

Stock up on OTC medicines as well. Remember the kid/infant dosage options. Add a good supply of vitamins and minerals or at the very least, a multivitamin. 

As far as prescription medicines go, you could always ask your doctor for a 90-day supply. You’re insurance may not cover a 90-day option, so you may have to pay for the extra doses. Some people have started ordering prescriptions from Canada using their doctor’s prescription and are sometimes able to order quantities up to 180 doses.

Here are some recommended medical supplies:

Tools and Hardware

Tools are critical not only to improvise many things you need but to do every repair on your own. Think in terms of hand tools if the power is out. They’re pioneer tools and are exactly what you’ll need if there’s a power outage or a shortage of basic commodities.

Another possibility is battery-powered tools using a rechargeable battery that you recharge either with solar panels or some other self-generated power. 

Just as important as tools are various types of hardware including nails, screws, nuts, bolts, washers, hinges, hasps, baling wire, and any other hardware you might need to repair, rebuild, or construct anything. When there are no hardware stores you’re on your own. 

Here are some tools you should consider getting:

Tool Possibilities


And here is some hardware you should keep on hand:

Sanitation and Hygiene

This covers a wide range of considerations from toilet paper to cleaning supplies. It’s a category that has shown direct evidence of the effect that shortages can have as a result of a disaster like a global pandemic. 

Here’s what you’ll need:


You don’t necessarily have to buy all the foods listed below. It’s a matter of personal needs and preferences. A good rule of thumb is to look at what your family already eats on a regular basis and get extras.

If some of the things you eat require refrigerated or frozen foods, start looking for substitutes (for example: powdered butter instead of regular butter).

If you don’t know where to begin, here are some suggestions:







Meats & TVP



Prepared Foods



Cooking & Spices


Gardening Supplies

No matter how much food you store, every stockpile has a shelf-life. When considering the collapse of society, sustainability is the key. That means you’ll need seeds, gardening tools, and the knowledge of how to grow food.

Here are some things you’ll need:


Finally, in a return to primitive pioneer times, your ability to access information through the Internet will be gone. That’s why you should start putting together a survival library that can guide you through everything you may confront.


This list may seem long, but we probably still missed quite a few things. If you think of something, share it in the comment section below. When there are no resources and no stores, and when you have to literally do and make everything yourself, you will need the “stuff” to make that happen. 

A critical consideration is to keep your friends and family close. During a societal collapse, we will need each other, and family and friends may quickly become our new definition of society. There’s safety in numbers, and the ability to genuinely care about and share resources with the people closest to us may be one of the best survival decisions we can make.